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Hello everyone


We are all so excited! It is our favourite time of the year, well we like Christmas too, but this is as good as Christmas.


Oh, it’s Hutch here by the way!


I heard some of the volunteers chatting in the feed room the other day and guess what… it’s that time of year again – I’m beside myself with excitement, it’s nearly time for our open weekend – just over a week to go.

Well, I just had to trot out and let Chocky and all the others know.  We just love seeing all the visitors and of course, showing off a little bit…well a lot really!  Maggie Mae was a bit confused as she’s not been here very long and couldn’t understand what all the fuss was about but once we’d told her, she was galloping around like a mad thing.


Of course, Chocolate and I are waiting for the Gazebo’s to go up so that we can walk round, inspect them and scratch ourselves on them. We like to push them to make sure they don’t fall over.  The volunteers get quite worried when we do this but we are only helping... well we think we are! We get told off by the volunteers for pushing them but we think it’s fun… especially when we run away before they can catch us to move us into the other field!


We will have a meeting before the open weekend to decide who is going to be good and who is going to be naughty and stubborn when we have the pony/donkey parade… ha ha!  I usually get to be the stubborn one and I love it.  I just plant myself and the volunteers can’t move me – all the people watching laugh and clap and take photos of me!


Unfortunately, we must all stay in our fields and enclosures, so we don’t get any of the yummy food that is being served the other side – not even an ice cream! We don’t mind though; we’d rather have a chat and pats with all the people that come to see us.


Louise, Chocky and I like to join in with the entertainment and we sometimes bray so loudly that no one can hear the music – we have such a good time – the visitors don’t mind because we all bray in harmony and no-one is out of tune! Louise always gets so excited she has to show off and wave her legs in the air!


Well… I think it’s nearly time for tea, I can see the evening volunteer going up to give the ponies in the top field their food which means we’re next and if we are lucky we might get a ginger biscuit as a treat!


Bye for now and I so hope to see you at our open weekend.


Love and brays

Hutch (the handsome one)!


Oh, I nearly forgot, the volunteers told me about a lovely girl called Lola who is helping us animals here, and other animals by having something called online shows (I don’t really know what that means).  Her best friend is her dog called Jasmine and she is poorly.  That is sad. Anyway, please can you help Lola, Jasmine and the ABC by clicking the button. 

Bye bye again and hee-haws.

Hutch xx





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