Hi everyone, it's gorgeous, loveable George here again!
I hope you are all keeping well and looking forward to the months ahead as I hear that things are starting to get better and you should be able to ease into returning to normal life. All of us here are certainly waiting with baited breath and keeping our various appendages crossed that we may be able to open to the public.
We've had a bit of excitement here: the Admin lady has bought herself a laptop and invited me and my pals to the office to see and admire said piece of equipment. It's certainly smaller than what we are used to and one thing puzzled me which was how on earth would we operate it if none of us has a lap?! I tried leaning up against a wall with my back legs stretched out in front of me but no! the laptop wouldn't balance and kept sliding off. Puck, my piggy pal, tried to have a go but he just kept rolling over and Boris the cockerel crowed that he wasn't going to try it for fear the laptop was almost as big as him and might squash him!
Things came to a head when someone pointed out that the mouse had disappeared whereupon Bluebell shrieked and leapt onto a nearby table (no mean feat I can tell you for a horse that size!) and with legs knocking together became hysterical calling out to us all to "find the mouse, please find the mouse!" The Admin lady, hearing the commotion, rushed in to find us all trying to calm Bluebell down with her pal Bob fanning her with a piece of paper.
"STOP!" yelled the Admin lady. "What on earth is occurring?" There was deadly silence (except for Bluebell's whimpering) whilst I explained the reason for our behaviour whereupon the Admin lady burst out laughing. "Harsh" I thought. She then explained that we didn't have to operate the laptop actually on laps - it could be operated on a table top and then she explained gently to Bluebell what the mouse actually was - that it wasn't real but a piece of equipment people used when using a computer. Poor Bluebell looked very relieved and climbed down (very gracefully I might add) off the table and wandered back down to her field muttering she needed water urgently.
I have used this laptop . . . on the table and have found it much easier with regards to tapping the right keys, in the right order and I think my pals will find it easy too. We're never too old to learn!
Before I go, I would like to tell you about our on-line Spring Raffle. It's only £2 per ticket and we have some fab prizes - Dec, my piggy pal, has his eye on the pizza prize and is keeping his trotters crossed - so please do have a look on the website. All the money raised goes to me and my pals for our food and general well-being so please do buy a ticket or two. You have until Friday 26th March so plenty of time to tell your friends and family about it. Good luck!
Bye for now
Take care everyone
Love and purrs