Hello, George here.
I am sad at the moment. My best pal Trixie passed away a couple of weeks ago, and I will miss her very much. The other animals have all been lovely to me and the volunteers have given me lots of cuddles and treats.
We have had to cope with losing some of our great friends recently and it has been a horrible time for all of us and the volunteers have been very upset too. We know that lots of our friends are old, and this happens, but we miss them.
We are trying to cheer each other up and we know our pals are with Alexandra Bastedo now. She set this whole sanctuary up and without her we wouldn’t have such a lovely place to live!

We know our friends wouldn’t want us to be down in the dumps, so we were trying to think of ways to be more upbeat. We decided to think about Christmas as that is not long now. I have been elected to put together the usual Christmas present list from everyone. I think they just want to keep me busy, but I don’t mind.

So far, the goats have asked for elderflower leaves (goodness knows where Father Christmas is going to get them from at this time of year) and Hutch the donkey has asked for a new wellington boot to play with. Well, I think it is to play with, otherwise he is going to look silly wearing only one boot - but where Hutch is concerned, you just never know!
Annie and Woodie want a horse trailer full of ginger biscuits. I am not entirely sure that is good for them or practical for Father Christmas to deliver while pulling a sleigh too!

In other news, the dentist has been to look at the horse’s teeth. I keep well out of the way when she comes just in-case she decides she wants to start on my teeth! Have you seen the contraption she puts in their mouth! It looks like an instrument of torture. Bluebell told me it doesn’t hurt but I am not so sure.

Also, the volunteers have all been talking about something called a quiz. Apparently, people went out a couple of Saturday nights ago, paid money to be asked questions, ate some food, someone won a prize and then they all went home! Sounds ridiculous but they all seemed to have a wonderful time. Humans never cease to amaze me.

The good thing is the money they raised for the sanctuary - £1000 – will buy me quite a lot of Dreamie treats. So, thank you very much for answering questions.
The volunteers and supporters of the sanctuary are always doing things to raise money for us animals and we are very grateful. It goes towards our food and beds and sometimes the animal doctors and even the dentist! Oh, and Buddy the pony says it also pays for his spa day pedicure… I think he means farrier!
A lovely girl called Lola and her dog Jasmine raised £476 for us by having an online pet show. I don’t know what that means… but it is very kind of them.

Harley the pig says the volunteers are going to use the money to help pay for the trees that fell during the recent storm. One of them fell right across Harley’s enclosure! It was lucky he wasn’t hurt but as usual he was asleep in his house. In fact, Harley didn’t even hear the tree come down but then he is a bit deaf. It didn't stop him eating his breakfast though!
Well, I had better get on with the Christmas list; there are a lot of animals here to go round and see what they want. I do hope there are some more sensible requests to add.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and we look forward to seeing everyone again in the New Year.
Love, hugs and purrs
Gorgeous George xx