Hello everyone, Bluebell here.
I was moseying around my field the other day, minding my own business, well I say minding my own business because I had just had my morning gossip with my neighbours, Rhett and Sky, in the next field. I was about to do a bit of grazing when I saw some people coming into my field.

It was two volunteers, Gill and Cheryl and they had two very nice ladies with them from somewhere called Henry Adams – I didn’t know what this was but anyway I met the ladies (I don’t think their names were Henry and Adam), I rubbed my head on them and they chatted with me and stroked me which I liked very much.
Since I lost my friend Shabba, my gate has been left open during the morning and I have been able to wander down the side path. I like to do this because it means I can chat with all my pals.

Hutch and Chocky always have a lot to say and I also found out from Puck – who hears everything that goes on - that the Henry Adams Sales and Lettings humans that I met earlier that day, have chosen our sanctuary as their 2024 charity partner and are going to raise money for us this year. All the volunteers seem to be very excited about this, so not to be left out, I gave a big neigh!
Anyway, I have more to tell you. You may remember in Buddy’s last blog he talked about a quiz night that had been held. Well… I’ve heard that there are another two planned – apparently, they are such good fun – Gorgeous George told me he had heard the volunteers talking in the tea room about them and that they would be held on Saturday 27th April and another one in November.

George also told me he’d heard whispers that there would be other exciting events coming up at the sanctuary this year, but he wasn’t sure what they were. He promised to make sure that either he or Felix were in the tea room at break times so that they could pick up on the gossip and pass it on.
Gosh – I’ve just heard my tummy rumble which means it must be nearly lunch time. Of course, now I wander down the path I can peer over the gate that leads to the feed room so I can hear when my lunch is being prepared – I do love my food – especially when there is a little extra tit bit in it!
Just before I go, I have to tell you that there is going to be a ‘online’ raffle just before Easter. There are some lovely prizes – theatre tickets, a hamper, a beauty voucher, and lots more. Apparently, I am not allowed to enter the raffle which seems very unfair because I would love a beauty pamper voucher!
Oh, and guess what - I have been chosen to be the Henry Adams Sales and Lettings “February Animal Spotlight” animal. I hope the photo they used got my best side!
I have enjoyed writing to you all and thank you for supporting us. Just before I go, I’m not exactly sure what Amazon is but I understand it has an ABC Wish List if anyone would like to look at it, please click the button.
Here comes my lunch – must dash!
Love and neighs - Bluebell